Left Fold

How to handle an uncertain Future, with Task.empty

In my previous post introducing Maybe, I ended with an example using Promises, mentioning that Task can be a useful alternative to javascript Promises. This was the example:

.map(lookupUser) //=> Maybe(Promise({favs: [Fav]}))
.getOrElse(Promise.resolve({})) //=> Promise({})
.then(u => 

A Task version of lookupUser might be written like this:

//lookupUser:: String -> Task {favs}
const lookupUser = username => 
    new Task((reject, resolve) =>
        .then(r=> resolve(r.json()))

And a translation of the example to use the Task API could be:

getMaybeUserName() //Maybe String
.map(lookupUser) // Maybe Task Object
.getOrElse(Task.of({})) //Task Object
.map(safeProp('favs')) //Task Maybe Object
    , maybeUser => 

There are a couple of things I don’t like about this. First, we’ve propagated the uncertainty from before the lookupUser call, to after it; we’re unwrapping our Maybe to a Task.of({}), and then we have to handle a possible empty response later, even though our imaginary server only ever returns full user objects, or errors.

Second, I don’t like maybeUser.map(renderFavourites) because renderFavourites performs an effect (mutating the DOM), rather than returning a value, and functions passed to .map should return a value, not perform effects. A stricter language than Javascript would not let us be so hacky.

We can solve these problems by making our Maybe default to an empty Task, instead of an empty Object inside a Task. An empty Task is simply new Task(()=>{}). You can get one by calling Task.empty(), and:


won’t do anything, because the empty Task doesn’t call either of the functions passed to .fork. So we can rewrite the example:

.map(d => d.favs)
    , renderFavourites
Posted December 13, 2017

Working with Tasks containing Maybes: another empty Future

In a previous article, we looked at how to work with a Task inside a Maybe, which is useful when you only want to do some asynchronous operation if you have a value. A variation on this is a Task...

author Keith AlexanderWritten by Keith Alexander. Interests include functional programming, web tech, event sourcing and linked data.