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Working with Tasks containing Maybes: another empty Future

In a previous article, we looked at how to work with a Task inside a Maybe, which is useful when you only want to do some asynchronous operation if you have a value.

A variation on this is a Task containing a Maybe, which is useful for describing, for example:

  • a database query that may return an empty result (eg findById('84hjk6h'))
  • an HTTP request to a REST endpoint that might return a 404
  • reading a file that might contain text, or might be empty

The Maybe inside the Task gives us a way to only do something if the result is wrapped in Just. If the result is Nothing, we do nothing.

If we have:

const result = findById(realID)
//=> Task.of(Just({name: "Robin", img: "343592.jpg"}))

we want to transform the object to HTML, and insert it into the page.

If we have:

const result = findById(nonexistentID)

We don’t want to do anything.

The tricky thing with this structure is that if we want to transform the inner value, we have to map twice to get at it:

result.map(maybe => maybe.map(transformValue))

which would be terrible.

And if we unwrap the Maybe with .getOrElse(value) we have to provide a default value, and then we map directly over either the result if it exists, or the default if it doesn’t. But we don’t want to do anything if we have a Nothing. What we really want is to turn our outer Task into an empty Task if it contains a Nothing, and a Task containing a result if it contains a Just of a result.

We can achieve this by transforming our Maybe into a Task, and using chain with that transformation to ensure that we flatten Task(Task(result)) into Task(result):

const maybeToTask = m => m.map(Task.of).getOrElse(Task.empty())
maybeToTask(Just(42)) //=> Task(42)
maybeToTask(Nothing()) //=> Task.empty()

As we said previously, Task.empty() returns a Task that will ignore the error and success handlers you pass to .fork(err, success) and will therefore do nothing at all.

result // Task(Just(result)) or Task(Nothing())
.chain(maybeToTask) //Task(result) or Task.empty()
    renderUser //won't be called if result is Task(Nothing())

(Note, you won’t always want to ignore Nothings - sometimes you’ll want to use a default value, or do something completely different.)

Posted February 1, 2017

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If you have several values which might be null, and you want the first ‘truthy’ value, one way is to use a sequence of ORs: const c = a || b || 0 The trouble is, while this style is concise, it only...

author Keith AlexanderWritten by Keith Alexander. Interests include functional programming, web tech, event sourcing and linked data.